Countdowns: How Everyone Is Able To Benefit

Take a look at countdown timers for a moment. Countdown timers can be used for cooking, exercising or host an occasion. For this reason they are merely a utility telling you that something will be done or will take place at some moment in the future.
For instance, you have to deliver a present to parents by 8PM. If it doesn't, it won't arrive at the time of their birthday. You might have written or entered into your list of to-dos, "Send gift to parents before 8 PM on December 10". As time passes, you keep seeing the 10th of December. But what day is it again this day? Imagine if you had a countdown clock for this job. When you look at it is says 1 Day, 4 Hours 8 Minutes. The feeling of urgency sets in as it is getting closer and motivates you to get to the store for shipping earlier.
Importance of Sense of Urgency and urgent actions
Let's look at another example. Imagine you were looking at the Home Shopping Network one day and came across a deal of the lifetime'. What did they do to convince you to buy this item? It's likely that you felt an urgency. But what specifically did they do? They put a 45 minute timer right next to the price. Each minute and second created a feeling of urgency to get that price. So you caved and purchased it as you couldn't afford to miss out on the"deal of a lifetime'. What if the same strategy was applied to your work and projects?
You can determine how much time you have available for your job or project with 35 minute timer. So, you'll spend less time on social media, surfing the web, communicating with co-workers or colleagues, etc. Because you're motivated to finish a task or assignment on time. You will be more focused on the task at hand and be less inclined to get distracted, thereby turning into a more productive person.
To ensure that the Urgent and critical tasks are completed in time It is possible to set countdowns. By using the help of an Urgency Matrix, tasks and projects move between quadrants and the next depending on the allocation of time. By using countdowns, your projects and projects will be automatically shifted between quadrants to the next. The quarterly reports due within the month are in the Important however, they are not in the Urgent Quadrant. But as time goes by, the reports will be moved into the Urgent or Important quadrant. Setting the countdown ahead of time will allow you to keep track of the changes and prepare as the due date quickly approaches.
Motivation is the motivation or desire to accomplish something.
Nobody wants to be late for an important event like the marathon's time or the bus stop by three seconds. Knowing how much time is left to your goal time or even making it to your bus on time is an absolute incentive to complete the task faster or get there faster. Your to-do list is no different. You'll be motivated to complete an assignment within the stipulated time. Combining that with the sense of urgency, you're invincible. The job is done when you've completed 3 2 1. If you've got a list of things to do that you can check off before time runs out on the timer, you feel satisfied and inspired to take on the next challenge.
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